Student's Desk
Administrative Desk

Seminar/Conference Policy

The convener/coordinator of the seminar (other than students seminar)/Workshop/Conference shall follow the following procedure officially.


A short proposal for the seminar/Workshop/Conference has to be submitted to the IQAC well in advance. Post-approval of the same by the IQAC, the concerned staff shall proceed further. If the seminar is sponsored by the college, the convener can withdraw the required amount using department level contingency fund (vide the policy for College Fund Allotment for Different Departments above). The proposal shall contain the following points:


  • Mention the proposed delivery (outcome) of the seminar categorically
  • Specify the audience group and their interest in attending the event.
    1. Topic: The topic of the seminar shall be clearly mentioned. Also, the convener has to clearly state, whether any proceeding or edited book shall be published or not.
    2. Organising Committee: Structural detail of the organizing committee has to be furnished.
    3. Resource Persons: A list of tentative names of the resource persons and their affiliations has to be given.
    4. Finance/Budgetary Allocation: Specify the source of fund and proposed expenditure break up categorically headwise. If the sponsoring agency/agencies are not any government body a short introduction about its profile outlook.
    5. Collaborations: If there be any collaboration(s) the role of the collaborator shall be clearly enumerated.
    6. Environmental Impact:A declaration has to be given that the college green policy shall not be violated and that no material shall be used which has a detrimental effect on the environment.


Execution of the seminar/ workshop shall be managed in such a way as to keep the reputation and good name of the College intact. The Convener(s) shall make it clear to the participants while giving a call for papers , whether any proceeding/edited book will be published or not. Publication of the proceeding/ edited book, if committed, shall be completed within six months from the date of completion of the seminar.


Post-completion of the seminar/workshop the concerned convener will submit a documentary summary report (within three weeks) to IQAC. It will remain archived in the department website. The supporting pictures will also remain uploaded in the same place.

If the seminar/conference is sponsored by the college, the convener must have to submit the utilization statement in detail, along with supporting documents, bills and vouchers, to the Accounts Section of the College within the last week of February by latest. On the other hand if the seminar is sponsored by any external agency (Govt or Non-Govt) the converner has to submit the copy of the clearance certificate (issued by that external agency) to IQAC at the earliest.

Defaulting from the policy can lead to blacklisting of the concerned staff by the IQAC and no further clearance to organise such or similar programmes will be issued.