Student's Desk
Administrative Desk

Internal Marks Policy

Guidelines for Internal Evaluation under CBCS curriculum (18 Marks)

For Faculty Members


For continuous internal evaluation of 6 (six) marks:For Faculty Members

For Honours Courses:

For continuous internal evaluation of six marks, the department shall plan and execute the evaluation. The pattern of examination can consist of either of the two-

  • 1) Online Multiple Choice Questions (20 x 1 = 20) and or
  • 2) Written examination of 20 Marks, Time Duration : 40

Option I

It is desirable that each teacher should take at least two tests per paper of the subject. After that the highest mark or highest average marks of the teachers conducting test exam in the concerned paper will be the final marks of the student in that paper.

Option II

The department may modify the above by merging tests of two or more teachers. In such case, at least two internal exams must be taken per paper/subject in that semester.

Note- If any student is unable to be present in the internal examination due to proper reason, the Department may arrange a remedial exam/ assignment keeping in mind that exam should be more harder than usual exam for that student. Otherwise students will opt for remedial exam.

For General Courses:

For general courses the evaluation shall be in the form of a written and/or MCQ type examination to be conducted centrally by the college examination committee in collaboration with all the departments. Departments should inform the students about the question pattern and syllabus of the internal examination in their respective departmental notice board/departmental website at least 10 days prior to the scheduled date of examination so that students can prepare themselves.

For Class Attendance 4 Marks

  • below 75% = 0
  • 75% to 79% = 2 Marks
  • 80% to 89% = 3 Marks
  • 90% to 100% = 4 Marks

For tutorial 8 (Eight) marks for non-lab papers:

Marks shall be distributed as follows:

  • 1) Seminar report / Assignment work on any topic / area on the subject in their own handwriting : 2 marks
  • 2) Presentation (with or without PPT) : 4 marks
  • 3) Viva-voce : 2 marks.

Note :

  • 1. Evaluation process of Internal Examination are to be held under the guidance of the HOD/ Academic Coordinator/ Programme Coordinator and he/ she will act as the chairperson of the board of internal exam.
  • 2. Above evaluation process are to be held in the presence of all teachers (Full time, Part time and Guest) of the department/ subject including one external faculty member of the college.
  • 3. All teachers present will evaluate the student separately and average of all marks is to be credited to the student. The marks slips should be duly signed by the board of examiners and the same should be preserved by the HOD in separate file for future correspondence, if necessary.
  • 4. In case any student gets fraction marks, then he or she will be credited the marks of the next higher digit. Suppose if any student gets 3.1 out of 6, he or she will get 4 and so on.
  • 5. A separate Students Attendance register binding copy in specific format is to be maintained duly signed by the Board of Internal examiners.
  • 6. Students must submit a hard copy of the seminar report/ Assignment work by hand writing 3 to 4 plain pages mentioning his/her name, topic name, college ID number, Mob No., Univ Registration No. and email id.
  • 7. Students should be discouraged to use plastic channel files/ materials for seminar reports/ Assignment work.

Publication of results and re-assessment:

The results of Internal Examination shall be published on the departmental website and notice board within seven days of completion of examination.

The students can apply to the HoD/ Programme Coordinator in writing for the redressal of any dispute/ grievance regarding evaluation within seven days of publication of results after which no request shall be entertained.

Mentor should also be involved in such grievance redressal. They should ask students regarding discrepancy, if any.

For Practical Paper Internal Marks 10

Concerned Department will evaluate 10

For Environment Study Project 10 Marks

For Hons students Department will collect Project report and evaluate 10 marks. A copy of Marks in the specific format is to be submitted to the office.

Internal Marks Upload to University Portal

Concerned Departmental teachers under the guidance of HoD will upload the internal Marks to the University Portal.

Notice and Documentation regarding internal examination

  • 1. Please follow departmental website and departmental notice board as well as College website regarding any information of Internal examination.
  • 2. If you are unable to be present in the examination on the scheduled date due to unavoidable circumstances, then you should inform it to the Departmental head prior to exam with a written application mentioning the justified reason for your absence. In that case, the department may arrange a remedial exam later on in which you have to appear positively.
  • 3. You will have to appear in the internal examination, otherwise you will not get any marks.
  • 4. Adopting any kind of unfair means in the exam hall is strictly prohibited. If found guilty, then he or she will be debarred from the exam and will not be allowed to sit in the internal exam of that paper for that semester.
  • 5. Please bring your identity card/ acknowledgement slip to the exam hall, otherwise you will not be able to sit in the exam.